Sunrise: 5:35a |
Temp: ---°F |
Wind Speed: --- mph |
Sunset: 7:16p |
High: ---°F at ---- |
Avg Wind Speed: --- mph |
Moon Phase: Full Moon |
Low: ---°F at ---- |
Direction: --- |
Humidity: ---% |
Heat Index: ---°F |
Barometer: 29.881 in and Rising Slowly |
Dew Point: ---°F |
UV Index: --- |
Soil Moisture: --- cb at ---°F |
Rainfall |
Today: 0.00 in
(ET: 0.000)
Storm: 0.00 in |
High Hourly Rate: 0.00 in/hr |
This Month: 0.00 in
(ET: 0.000)
Rate of Fall: -0.01 in/hr |
High Monthly Rate: 0.00 in/hr |
This Year: 0.00 in
(ET: 0.000)
High Rate of Fall: 0.00 in/hr at ---- |
High Yearly Rate: 0.00 in/hr |